What does it matter?

I’m a fiction writer.  I have a dozen “projects” I would love to be working on.  A Scottish time-travel adventure romance.  A modern day Western romance series.  Those are on the top of my list.

And yet I can’t write those.  Not yet.  Not sure if I will ever be able to go back to blissfully writing fiction.

Not that I’m not absolutely in love with Revive 1775.  I am.  But, frankly, it was in the pile of projects.  I was busy casting and researching the Western series with the still small voice said Revive 1775.  I think it’s my mission.

independenceTo bring these people to life once again.  To light the fire of the American Revolution in the hearts of my people.  To be so very grateful for their sacrifices.

Why?  Because it matters, I guess.  It can make a difference.



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